Some things change and some don’t. We’re excited about that. The same people, the same products and the same lift options you count on remain intact.
Leiter-Poma and Skytrac together.
That’s good news for your resort.
“This acquisition will allow Leitner-Poma to better serve ski areas of all sizes,” said Leitner-Poma of America president Rick Spear. “By purchasing Skytrac, we will continue to care for all existing customers and expand our base.”
Skytrac will maintain the niche it has established in the market, providing modifications and upgrades to all types of lift systems
as well as engineering, manufacturing, and installation of new fixed-grip lifts. “Given the aging go the lift systems across North America, replacing and retrofitting older lift infrastructure has been a key element of Skytrac’s success,” Rick Spear said.
Skytrac will continue to serve its loyal customers, who are in line to benefit the most from the acquisition, according to the company’s general manager,Carl Skylling. “Our loyalty and support to our long-term customer base have always been of the utmost importance,” Skylling said.
This focus was part of the vision of Skytrac’s Leonard who died less than a year ago.
Read full news release on SAM Magazine
What I would like to know, and I’m sure many are asking the same question.
Will there be any changes in service and parts?
Do you have the same objective of not replacing lifts but making slow up grades, like we are doing?
Will (most) parts still be American made in Salt lake ?
Will the Sky Trac systems remain or will Poma try to phase then out in the future ?
I really enjoy working with the staff at Sky Trac and hope to continue. Nothing against Poma. Jeff and Jim are great dudes to work with, but John and crew have pep and mind set I really enjoy to be associated with.
Good Luck with the merg.
As Carl said Bob we will always be there to take good care of you. I have great feelings about this hookup.
I trust ya Andy.
Bob, thanks for the post. There will be no change in service or parts from Skytrac and the niche market we have established for retrofitting existing lifts will continue, and we expect it will grow.
Skytrac will remain 100% made in America and from Salt Lake City. All of our systems will remain Skytrac designed and manufactured in our shop.
Leitner Poma thinks like we do, its our people that make the difference. They really just want us to continue doing what we do, the way we do it, and they see the opportunity to grow it. As you know, lifts in this country are not getting any younger, so there is great potential for us to scale up. With their help, we will have the capacity to do more.
Thanks Carl looking forward to it.