In June, Skytrac installed a new fixed-grip triple to replace a 2002 Yan for the Cal Expo/ California State Fair. The former Sky Ride’s Yan was removed in 2007, and the Fair is happy to have their new and profitable chairlift operating again for their long-waiting patrons.
The Sky Ride is specifically Skytrac-engineered for it’s volume of passengers and high temperature Sacramento climate. It is also designed with an economy-minded partial drive enclosure for increased ventilation and cooling.
Using last year’s numbers, the Fair went from zero to 45,992 visitors per day, with totals up to 579,338 for the 17 days it’s open. This year’s count was around 100 passengers within the first hour of the Sky Ride being open.
Hot weather lift? Definitely. During this installation, Sacramento, CA offered slow-cook temperatures residing in the three digits and radiating back off the hot black asphalt. Any of our Skytrac construction-site dogs had to stay home during this particular installation.
What is the capacity (PPH) of the lift? How many riders took the ride during the fair?